Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Phnom Penh Post News In Brief

In Brief: Fires rage during 2009 dry season

Written by Sam Rith
Wednesday, 10 June 2009

So far in 2009, 50 fires have occurred in 10 cities and provinces throughout Cambodia, an official at the National Committee for Disaster Management said Tuesday. Chao Lay, assistant to Ly Thuch, who is the second deputy president of the committee, said 650 houses, 230 stores and 60 tonnes of unhusked rice have been destroyed by fire this year, which also caused nine deaths and injuries to five people.

In Brief: Police get cameras, breath analysers

Written by Mom Kunthear
Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Speed cameras and alcohol testing devices have been donated to Phnom Penh police by Handicap International Belgium, Sam Socheata, the group's road safety program manager, said Tuesday. "Most traffic accidents happen because drivers speed or are intoxicated," he said, adding that 311 people died and 4,177 were injured on the road in the first two months of 2009.


Written by Christopher Shay
Wednesday, 10 June 2009

The Asian Human Rights Commission issued a statement Tuesday condemning the Cambodian government's "insidious" attempts to block the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR) from securing a venue to hold a public forum on the Boeung Kak lakeside development. "The Cambodian government should order the Municipality of Phnom Penh to abandon any attempt to deny the [residents] and the CCHR their right to hold a public forum," the commission said.

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