Thursday, 18 June 2009

Tuk-tuk crackdown targets Wat Phnom

Written by LUCY KINDER
Thursday, 18 June 2009

FOURTEEN tuk-tuks have been confiscated by police near Wat Phnom in another apparent crackdown on operators of the popular tourist vehicles in the capital.

Chan Veasna, a 29-year-old tuk-tuk driver, said that he had taken tourists to visit Wat Phnom and was waiting outside to drive them home when police officials seized his vehicle.

"I didn't have a choice; I had to wait for the tourists because I need the money. The police told me that I was parked in a disorderly manner," he said, adding that police were demanding ownership documentation to release the tuk-tuk.

Municipal Traffic Police Chief Tin Prasoeur told the Post Wednesday that 14 tuk-tuks had been confiscated by Wat Phnom commune police, for disorderly parking and lacking proper registration.

"The tuk-tuks are being kept at the municipal police station located in Russey Keo district," he said.

"Police are waiting for the tuk-tuk drivers to present their identity cards and other documentation to prove ownership of the tuk-tuks" before they will be released, he said.

Four drivers, who all declined to be named, said they believed the latest crackdown followed a recent near collision between Phnom Penh Governor Kep Chuktema's car and a tuk-tuk in the Wat Phnom area. Reports of the near-collision could not be confirmed with municipal officials Wednesday.

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