Saturday, 20 June 2009

UN, civil society, criticize Cambodian government's string of lawsuits against media, opposition figures

SEAPA (Southeast Asian Press Alliance)

19 June 2009

The Cambodian government's filing of several defamation and disinformation lawsuits not only against journalists but opposition lawmakers as well, pose a "serious threat" to the country's development, the UN's human rights envoy said on 15 June 2009.

"The Phnom Penh Post" said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Surya Subedi issued the statement upon his arrival in in Cambodia's capital, noting that the past two months have seen an increase in the number of high-level government officials filing eight separate defamation and disinformation suits against government critics.

"These actions undermine the constitutional freedom of opinion and expression which everyone in Cambodia is entitled to, and which is the cornerstone of the exercise of civil and political rights," the statement said.

"Pursuing the current complaints may reverse the course of the still fragile democratic development process," it added.

The statement cited the complaints filed by government officials, including separate cases against opposition party president Sam Rainsy; SRP lawmakers Mu Sochua and Ho Vann; Hang Chakra, publisher of the "Khmer Machas Srok" newspaper; Khmer Civilisation Association President Moeun Sonn; and Soung Sophorn, a 22-year-old student.

Local civil society groups claimed the government has enlisted the UNTAC criminal code's Articles 62 [disinformation] and 63 [defamation and libel] as the newest weapons in its fight against dissenting opinion, "The Phnom Penh Post" added.

Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Centre of Human Rights (CCHR), said the current situation is reminiscent of the government's actions in 2005, when, he said, the government wanted to divert attention from an unpopular border treaty with Vietnam.

"Instead of defending the treaty, the Cambodian government began filing a lot of defamation lawsuits," he said.

The main concern in 2009, Ou Virak said, is land rights.

"Land issues today are the only issues in Cambodia that could ... potentially create social unrest and might even undermine the current government," he said, adding that "Land conflicts are so widespread that the government has to do something drastic and divert attention."

The CCHR issued a statement along with four other local NGOs on 18 June, citing the threat posed to freedom of expression in the country by these recent court actions and crackdowns on public meetings.

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