Thursday, 2 July 2009

Children Easily Infected With Dengue In Cambodia

July 01, 2009

PHNOM PENH, July 1 (Bernama) -- Cambodia's dengue fever is a serious problem for children, as the Health Ministry has treated over 3,333 children infected with it, the Vietnam news agency (VNA) cited Director of Anti-Dengue Fever Department Ngan Chantha said Wednesday.

While, ten children died due to hemorrhagic fever this year.

"It increased sharply compared with the total cases last year, when there were only 1811 child cases and 23 children died last year," he said, adding that we have to enhance education and public campaign on the dengue to raise awareness among our people in rural and urban areas.

The local community has to be careful with children because the rainy season is starting now.

It will be easy for the mosquitoes to lay eggs in the water jar. The tiger mosquito is a gent from water-born virus beating the children that caused to have dengue fever. They have to clean areas surrounding their houses, and children should sleep in net, he said.

Duong Socheat, director of the National Malaria Center, which deals with dengue, was quoted by the Phnom Penh Post as saying that the worst weeks for dengue fever are in August, and that families need to learn about the disease and make sure that young children with dengue are treated by doctors.

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