Monday, 6 July 2009

TRIBUTE: Country to mourn CPP head's wife

The Phnom Penh Post

Monday, 06 July 2009


Prime Minister Hun Sen has ordered all ministries, schools, hospitals, armed bases and pagodas throughout Cambodia to fly the national flag at half-staff on Monday as a sign of respect to Nhem Soeun, wife of Senate President Chea Sim, who passed away at 3:15 on Friday morning at age 71. "I have issued a directive that all public and private institutions ... pay respect" to her, Hun Sen said during the inauguration of National Road 67 in Siem Reap Saturday. According to a statement issued by Hun Sen on Friday, Nhem Soeun was "a Khmer heroine", and her life was "full of willingness, conscience and intellect, which she dared to sacrifice for the Cambodian peoples". The body will be cremated at Wat Botum on Monday.

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