Sunday, 19 July 2009

Vietnam-Cambodia ties continuously grow

July 18, 2009

The Vietnam-Cambodia relationship in recent years has been developing unceasingly both in depth and scope, attaining higher efficiency.

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong made the remark while receiving a delegation of the Cambodian National Assembly’s Committee for Foreign Affairs, International Co-operation, Information and Media, led by its Chairman Chheang Vun, in Hanoi on July 17.

Chairman Trong said the two sides should further co-ordinate in order to complete border demarcation and landmark planting by 2012, and to accelerate co-operation programmes and projects.

The two countries also should co-ordinate more at multilateral forums, he added.

On the occasion, Chairman Trong expressed thanks to the Cambodian government and people for their support and assistance in the search for and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamese voluntary soldiers in Cambodia, and in stabilising the lives of overseas Vietnamese.

Chairman Chheang Vun said his country’s achievements in the past struggle for national liberation and the current cause of national construction were inseparable from Vietnam’s valuable assistance.

He briefed his host on the results of his talks with the Vietnamese NA Committee on Foreign Affairs, where the two sides agreed to promote the teaching of the Vietnamese and Cambodian languages and the tradition of friendship and co-operation to benefit the young generations of the two nations.

He also spoke of the necessity to strengthen the co-operation between the Committees on Foreign Affairs of the NA’s of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in order to support their Governments in developing their border areas, where a large population of ethnic minority people are living in poverty.

The Cambodian delegation, during their working visit to Vietnam from July 16-27, will attend a conference to be held in Kon Tum province on the legislative body’s role in boosting friendship and co-operation and developing the border areas of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

During their stay in Vietnam, the Cambodian delegation will have working session with the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, and visit Da Nang city, Kon Tum province and Ho Chi Minh City. (VNA)

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