Monday, 31 August 2009

Swiss man charged with abuse in Cambodia


A Cambodian court on Friday charged Rudolph Knuchel, 62, with sexually abusing two boys.

Phnom Penh - A Cambodian court has charged a Swiss man with sexually abusing two minors, a government official said Sunday.

Police said Rudolph Knuchel, 62, was arrested on Friday on suspicion of the sexual abuse of two boys, aged 14 and 16, after bringing them to his home in Siem Reap province.

"The judge has charged him for child sex abuse," said Sun Bunthorng, the director of the government department that deals with human trafficking and protecting minors.

He said police also found evidence of child porn videos on Knuchel's computer.

The judge could not be contacted for comment Sunday.

Samleang Seila, director of the anti-paedophile group Action Pour Les Enfants, which helped in the arrest, told AFP that his team and police had been tracking the man's action since 2008.

Cambodia has struggled to end its reputation as a haven for paedophiles, putting dozens of foreigners in jail for child sex crimes or deporting them to face trial in their home countries since 2003.

AFP / Expatica

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