Monday, 17 August 2009

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen border security


A delegation from the south-western steering committee led by its deputy head Son Song Son has paid a week-long visit to Cambodia.

During its stay from August 11-18, the delegation worked with the Cambodian Council of Ministers and the General Department of Public Security to discuss security along the borderline between the two countries.

The two sides agreed that the planting of border markers between the two countries should be completed in early 2012 as scheduled to build the borderline into one of peace, security and friendship and create favourable conditions for cross-border trade activities. Cambodia was committed to closely working with Vietnam to control and deal with reactionary forces.

While meeting with Khmer people and bonzes in Phnom Penh, the Vietnamese delegation said that Vietnamese Party and State always attach much importance to ethnic minority people, including Khmer people. They also visited Kompong Chhnang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Battambang, and Kompong Spur provinces.

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