Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Cambodian Parliament holds forum on Int'l Day of Democracy

September 15, 2009

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) — The Cambodian Parliament on Tuesday held a one-day forum on International Day of Democracy, which attracted about 200 guests and representatives from parliament, government, civil society and international community.

The International Day of Democracy 2009, with the theme of "Democracy and Political Tolerance," held discussion on seeking democracy and social development in Cambodia, the press statement from the National Assembly said.

The event aimed to raise awareness of and commitment to democracy and political tolerance in the country.

Heng Samrin, President of the National Assembly, said, "This year marks the sixteenth anniversary of Cambodian democracy under the new Constitution declared in 1993. We have come a long way in developing our democratic institutions, and look forward to working with the international community in future to continue that development."

He added that "the national assembly has played a key role in constructing the democracy, promote and protect the human rights."

Om Yentieng, chairman of the Committee of Human Rights of Cambodia said that Cambodia has walked through different regimes and now it has peace and political stability which is a key for to develop the country and to process the democracy and human rights.

However, he said, "The process of democracy needs more time."

Topics at the event also include "Building a Culture of Pluralism" and "Tolerance in Asia," "Celebrating International Democracy Day: Cambodia's Journey," and "the Role of Parliaments in strengthening democracy."

Sept. 15 was designated as International Democracy Day by the UN in 2007.

British Ambassador to Cambodia Andrew Mace has earlier said, "Over the last two decades the Cambodian people have turned their back on armed conflict and embraced democracy as a means of resolving disputes within society."

"International Day of Democracy provides a good opportunity for us to reflect on progress in building this culture of political tolerance, both in Cambodia and elsewhere," he said.

The celebration of International Day of Democracy is supported by the UNDP Legislative Assistance Project (LEAP) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union through the Technical Coordination Secretariat of the Cambodian Parliament. (PNA/Xinhua) vcs/utb


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