Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Thais planning to rally warned

By Rasmei Kampuchea
Asia News Network

Tue, September 15, 2009

Cambodia warns on Tuesday over yellow shirted rally which planned to rally near Hindu-shrined Preah Vihear Temple on September 19.

Chum Socheat, spokesman of Cambodia's National defense ministry told Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper on Tuesday that Cambodia will certainly take action if the yellow-shirted protesters enter into Cambodian territory illegally, said Cambodian officials.

"Cambodian soldiers will allow none of Thais to step into the Cambodian territory," Chum Socheat told Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper on Tuesday.

The Thai protesters announced recently that they would hold a rally to demand the Khmers and the soldiers to withdraw from what they called the overlapping zone near the ancient temple.

"The Thai people can do whatever they want in their territory, but they must not enter into the Cambodian soil. Our commanders at front line will not allow them to cross the border", said the spokesman.

On July 15, 2008, Thai monks and nuns crossed the border into the Cambodian soil near the temple. They were arrested and freed after negotiation with the Thai soldiers.

Meanwhile Koy Kuong, spokesman at Cambodia's Foreign Ministry said that the Thai extremist group should know that even the Thai government does not support them. He added that Thai government had tried to explain to the Thais that peaceful means will settle the border dispute and that Thailand will not loss any of land in the negotiation.

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