Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Vietnam’s NA delegation visits Cambodia

(Post in CAAI News Media)

A delegation from the Vietnam National Assembly’s Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and Children is on a working visit to Cambodia.

The delegation, headed by the committee’s Chairman Dao Trong Thi, paid courtesy visits to Cambodia’s Senate President Chea Sim and National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin on September 28.

At the meetings, the Cambodian legislative leaders welcomed the delegation’s visit, saying that it would help strengthen the traditional ties of friendship between the two countries.

The visit would also provide a good chance for the two countries’ legislative bodies to boost the exchange of experiences, they added.

The Vietnamese NA delegation met with Mom Chimhuy, Chairman of the Cambodian NA’s Commission on Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and Tourism.

The two sides compared notes on a number of laws and policies on culture and education.

Chairman Dao Trong Thi also had a working session with Ho Naun, Chairwoman of the Cambodian NA’s Commission on Health, Social Affairs, Veterans, Youth Rehabilitation, Vocational Training and Women’s Affairs.

The Vietnamese delegation is scheduled to visit the Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and meet with Nath Burnoeun, Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Education Youth and Sport on Sept. 29.

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