Thursday, 1 October 2009

SA ambassador seeks answers over local’s detention in Cambodia

Imraan Karolia
Wednesday, 30th September

(Post by CAAI News Media)

South Africa’s ambassador to Thailand on Wednesday has told Eyewitness News he has written to Cambodia’s government asking for information on a Pretoria man being detained there.

André Bester has been behind bars since earlier this month after being involved in a freak jet ski accident that left his friend Paul Hutchins dead.

He is facing a charge of culpable homicide.

His case came before the country’s courts on Tuesday but he has not yet been released on bail.

Ambassador Douglas Gibson says he wants answers.

“I sent a note to the government of Cambodia to put in writing to me whether Mr. André Bester had been arrested; whether he was being kept in jail; Precisely what charges had been brought against him; when a bail application would be heard; and when a trial was likely,” says Gibson.

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