Monday, 23 November 2009

Basketball Federation Holds Tourney

Sunday, 22 November 2009 04:56 DAP-NEWS

(CAAI news Media)

The Cambodian Basketball Federation on Saturday announced that they will host basketball events in the kingdom to promote the sport and seek skilled players to represent the country on the international stage.

The Cambodian Basketball Federation (CBF) to inform all public and private institutions that CBF is organizing 3-on-3 competitions that will be held in Dece- mber in the National Stadium Complex, a CBF statement said.

The competition aims to improve technical capacity to select talented players for participating national and international competitions, it added.

CBF President Leam Sam Kol said that prizes and award cups had been prepared for the tournament. “We will provide over US$250 for the championship this year,” he said. “This year we could not send our sport players to join the SEA game in Laos because this sport is not a subject of the events for the game this yearbut we will join other international sport events when we have good team for this sport.”

“We can have a high ability in this sport and we hope this year we will have more clubs to send their basketball players to attend the tournaments. We are optimistic for the success of this event.”

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