Saturday, 21 November 2009

Giant Mekong Catfish Found Dead

Friday, 20 November 2009 02:56 administrator .

(Posted by CAAI news Media)

An enormous Giant Mekong Catfish was found dead in Kandal’s Kean Svay district near the Mekong Krom River bank on Tuesday.

The corpse of the giant fish was 162 kg, its length about 2.4 m, a local from Koh Reah in Kaki commune reported to the local authorities and Fishery Administration officials.

The giant fish was listed in the National Research Institute under control by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It was numbered3532 after being hauled from the river.

Vice Fishery Administration Officer at Rokarkong of Kandal province Sok Sovutha told DAP News Cambodia that he had heard about a dead giant fish and decided to check it out.

The fish had originally been found seriously injured then died two days later. No-one has been blamed. The fish was taken by the FA member to a laboratory in Tourl Krasaing in Kandal province.

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