Monday, 23 November 2009

S Korean university provides 20 scholarships for Cambodia: official


(CAAI News Media)

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Seoul Women's University of South Korea has provided 20 scholarships for Cambodian woman students to study four-year program for human resource development in the country, an official to Prime Minister Hun Sen said here on Monday.

Seoul Women's University of South Korea showed their commitment to continue their support for women education and human development for Cambodia, Eang Sophallet, a assistant to Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen told reporters after Premier Hun Sen met with Rhee Kwang-ja, president of Seoul Women's University at National Assembly.

During the meeting, Hun Sen said that the support from the university of South Korea will help contribute to promote gender and human resource development in the country, and that Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of Cambodia will work with the university to select high qualified women students to study in the university.

In June this year, the 55-year-old Bun Rany Hun Sen, wife of Premier Hun Sen received an honorary doctorate in economics from Seoul Women's University in recognition of her outstanding contribution to women's rights and social welfare in her country. As chairperson of the Cambodian Red Cross since 1998, Bun Rany has been engaged in fighting poverty and AIDS, as well as helping civil war orphans in her country.

Editor: Li Xianzhi

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