Monday, 30 November 2009

Southern provinces to launch tourism road show in Cambodia


(Posted by CAAI News Media)

VietNamNet Bridge – Tourism authorities of southern cities and provinces as well as entrepreneurs will organize a road show in Cambodia next month to promote tourism as well as to make a chance for local investors to develop tourism properties there, a tourism official said.

Huynh Van Son, an official of the HCMC Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, said that the program would run from December 7 to 9 in Sihanouk Ville and Phnom Penh. HCMC will join forces with other southern localities including An Giang and Kien Giang to organize events in the neighboring country.

Local participants will include tourism officials, tourism transport operators, tour operators, investors as well as other relevant services providers. Such participants will go to the neighboring country via the Giang Thanh border gate in Kien Giang Province.

“It’s not only a tourism promotion trip but also the trip for Vietnam and Cambodia tourism participants to have further discussions on cooperation to develop tourist sites and tourism products of the two sides such as caravan tours, sea tourism, health tourism,” he said.

Son said that the exchange of visitors between the two countries has been on the increase. Therefore, stronger cooperation will help the tourism sector better serve such tourists and attract more travelers from the third country to Vietnam and Cambodia.

“The high-ranking officials of the two countries have pledged to cooperate in joint programs for tourism development so the above activity is one of programs that we will do to realize this purpose,” Son said.

He said that another important purpose of the road show is to offer a chance for local investors to have direct meetings with representatives of Cambodia’s Tourism Ministry as well as officials of other localities there to find new opportunities to develop tourism properties in Cambodia.


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