Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Thai PM says sad Cambodia denies to extradite Thaksin


(Posted by CAAI News Media)

BANGKOK, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- It is sad that Cambodia has refused to extradite ousted former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatrato Thailand, Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Wednesday.

"Cambodia has not followed international principle," the Thai prime minister was quoted by Thai News Agency as saying.

Hence, the Thai government has planned to review aid projects for Cambodia, Abhisit announced.

However, the diplomatic standoff between the two neighboring governments will not affect the relationships between the people of the two countries as there is no policy to close the Thai-Cambodian border, Abhisit said.

Also, the Thai government will not use any military force to deal with this bilateral problem, he said.

But, the Thai government will be stricter for Thais who will travel for gambling in Cambodia, Abhisit said.

Meanwhile, Abhisit has not been convinced after Thaksin claimed earlier he can be mediation for Thailand and Cambodia to solve the problem.

Abhisit said he has doubted over Thaksin's announcement since Thaksin himself is the origin of the ongoing bilateral problem.

Thailand and Cambodia have downgraded their diplomatic relations due to conflict over an appointment of Thaksin as an economic advisor to Cambodia's government on Nov. 4.

A day after the appointment of Thaksin, the Cambodian government announced recall of its ambassador to Thailand in a move to respond to the Thai government's recall of its ambassador to Cambodia.

Thaksin, who arrived in Cambodia on Tuesday, will on Thursday hold a briefing with over 300 Cambodian economics experts at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Hun Sen said earlier.

Thaksin was ousted by the military coup in September 2006, in accusation of corruption, and has been kept in exile since then.

He returned to Thailand in February 2008 to face corruption charges, but he later fled into exile again and was convicted in absentia.

Editor: Zhang Xiang

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