Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Water Festival Ends Without Incident

Written by DAP NEWS -- Wednesday, 04 November 2009

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

The 3-day Water Festival in Phnom Penh ended without any serious incident, though showers put a slight dampener on events, said Chea Kean, deputy director of the National and International Preparati on Ceremony Committee.

The third day of the Water Festival saw heavy showers.

“There was very good preparation of the ceremony for the third day even though some rain fell,” Chea Kean told DAP News Cambodia on Tuesday.

On the third day of the ceremony King Norodom Sihamoni sat in the palace stand despite the rain.

The smiling King waved with both hands to thousands of Cambo-dian citizens as the results of the races were announced outside the royal palace.

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