Friday, 18 December 2009

Peam Krassop: Community Based Eco-Tourism in Koh Kong Cambodia


sanctuary in Koh Kong Province. To get yourself into real nature you can take a boat to a vast waterway through mangrove forest to view how exactly extensive of this Sanctuary. When you reach there you can see a kind of ten thousands hectares of mangrove forest, providing you extremely a unique landscape of natural scenery. If you are looking for green and a nature lover, this place would not disappoint you and will make you an unforgettable trip experience in Cambodia.

Not only with natural beauty but you can also get in depth the friendly community who will wave you to the warm and hospitalized atmosphere with smile. In particular, they will be pleasure to show you the local food such as oysters and crabs. Not frequently but occasionally, you can see dolphin swimming and make this place more interesting and wonderful to visit. Therefore, waste no more time to get to know this hidden treasure.

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