Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Suspended teachers may return on Monday

(Posted by CAAI News Media)

Tuesday, 08 December 2009 15:02 Tep Nimol and Mom Kunthear

FIVE teachers suspended on suspicion of overcharging students will be allowed to return to work at the end of the week, officials said Monday.

Three were relieved of their duties last week after Baktouk Primary School in Veal Vong commune, Prampi Makara district, received an anonymous complaint from someone claiming to be the parent of a student. Two others have been suspended since October.

The teachers – who deny the allegations – were accused of charging each of their students between 1,000 and 1,500 riels (US$0.24-$0.36) per day – the maximum permitted by the Ministry of Education is 500 riels ($0.12). School Director Yem Sokhen said: “They can come to work on Friday because I don’t want to have more problems in my school.”

One teacher, Yaung Sovannarith, vowed not to return until the director wrote a formal letter to clear her name.

“The school asked my students three times already, and they said I collect only 500 riels from them and I have never taken from the poor students,” she said.

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