Friday, 15 January 2010

Judges conclude Khmer Rouge investigations

via CAAI News Media

Published on : 14 January 2010
By International Justice Desk

The co-investigating judges of Cambodia’s genocide tribunal have concluded their investigations against five Khmer Rouge suspects.

“Today the Co-Investigating Judges have notified all the parties and their lawyers that they consider that the judicial investigation in Case 002, in which charges have been laid against Ieng Sary, Ieng Thirith, Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Kaing Guek Eav, has been concluded,” says a statement issued by the extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC).

The announcement marks the conclusion of two and a half years of judicial investigation into alleged crimes committed between 17 April 1975 and 6 January 1979 during the Khmer Rouge regime. During the course of the investigation, tens of thousands of pages of documentary evidence have been placed on the casefile. More than 800 statements have been taken from witnesses, civil parties and charged persons.

Also, more than 2000 civil party applications have been received, the admissibility of which is currently being examined and will be decided upon before the Closing Order.

After 30 days, or after the Pre-Trial Chamber has heard any appeals, the Co-Investigating Judges will forward the case file to the Co-Prosecutors. The Co-Prosecutors will then have 45 days to make their final submission.

After receipt of the Co-Prosecutors` final submission, the Co-Investigating Judges will issue a Closing Order. The Closing Order will be either an indictment sending the case for trial or a dismissal of the case (partially or totally). Subject to the parties’ exercise of their procedural rights the Co-Investigative Judges will endeavor to issue a Closing Order in September 2010.

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