Wednesday, 27 January 2010

The Krolan: a Landmark Production in Kratie, Cambodia

via CAAI News Media

2010-01-26 - Kratie province is famous for Krolan, in particular Thmo Kreae Commune 10km north of Kratie.

Krolan is one of local product in Kratie Province which is made of rice mixed with coconut and bean and cooked in the bamboo tubes.

This product has been significantly becoming a common job for people in the province and some families have been for more than half a century. If you travel across this province, you will see the Krolan is sold along roadside and waterfront in Kratie. This Krolan is also transported to Phnom Penh markets each day but it is cooked with more salt.

It can be kept up to two days without refrigeration. Making Krolan is good business since the 40 percent of the costs come from the domestic supply and this business can contribute to poverty alleviation for people along the Mekong River. DO NOT to forget to buy local product when you are on trail to Mekong River.

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