Monday, 1 February 2010

David Wilson murder case could be re-opened

via CAAI News Media

February 01, 2010

A CORONER'S inquest into the death more than 15 years ago of Victorian man David Wilson could re-open this year after a 10-year delay.

The Age newspaper said the Victorian Coroners' Court had been handed a secret Department of Foreign Affairs file on the case that may contain hundreds of documents and cables including details of negotiations with the kidnappers via Cambodian officials for his release.

Members of the Wilson family told the newspaper they believe the full package of documents would show the coroner the Keating government knew the Cambodian government would bombard the mountain where Mr Wilson and two other hostages were held but did not try to delay an attack on the area until release negotiations were finished.

Mr Wilson, 29, Frenchman Jean-Michel Braquet and Briton Mark Slater were kidnapped on a train in Cambodia in July 1994 and murdered by the Khmer Rouge two months later.

The federal government refused to pay a ransom of $50,000 in gold to the kidnappers and refused to help Mr Wilson's father, Peter, bring his own ransom, in line with government policy.

"I want the inquest to continue," Mr Wilson said.

"We've been kept in the dark for far too long. They have kept saying they can't endanger international relationships. And now it's national security. They have been hiding behind the two."

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