Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Local artists featured in UN landmine exhibit

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 17 March 2010 15:04 Irwin Loy

TEN local artists will show their work at the UN headquarters in New York next month as part of an exhibit meant to draw global attention to the issue of landmines.

The exhibit, called Impact, will be held April 5 to celebrate the International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, which falls on the previous day. As part of the exhibit,10 Cambodian artists were asked to address the issues of landmines and their lingering effects through their work.

One artist, 23-year-old Ben Thynal, will display a piece he called “Sounds of Peace”.

“When I first heard the sound of a landmine being detonated, it scared me. But after the sound dissipated, it left a feeling of happiness and safety,” Ben Thynal said in promotional materials for the exhibit.

UN Resident Coordinator in Cambodia, Douglas Broderick, said the exhibit would be “a great opportunity to showcase Cambodia’s transition from one of the countries most affected by landmines to becoming a global leader in the mine action sector”, citing the presence of Cambodian deminers in Sudan.

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