Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Welcome to LIFT issue 8

via CAAI News Media

Wednesday, 24 February 2010 15:00 Post Staff

When people think about business, they think about money. While the social value of other careers may be greater than that of a business person, money provides security, stability and power in a capitalist society such as Cambodia and, therefore, a disproportionate number of students today are pursuing business as their career. However, having an MBA or a business degree does not guarantee financial success; in fact, as we discuss in this issue, it doesn’t even guarantee a job.

As with other careers, it is your personal motivation and skill set that will make you an attractive employee, not only your degree. In the 8th issue of Lift, we talk to prominent entrepreneurs who share their stories and advice, as well as some up-and-coming business people who share their ideas and enthusiasm for innovation.

While the growth of the Cambodian economy has slowed in the past two years, it will surely begin rolling again as the world recovers from the global economic crisis. Business opportunities will not come knocking at your door, but if you prepare yourself for success, there are surely opportunities to be found.

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