Thursday, 15 April 2010

Blackburn church funds Cambodian orphanage

FUTURE BUILDING: ‘New Bonney School’ in Cambodia after the 19th century Blackburn school, now used as St Albans social club
via CAAI News Media

By Emma Cruces

Wednesday 14th April 2010

BLACKBURN church fundraising group is celebrating after building a school in Southeast Asia.

Volunteers from St Albans and the Good Shepherd first started fundraising to help children in Cambodia in 2000.

They already provide hund-reds of families with free rice so the youngsters don’t have to work in the fields and they have donated bikes, so they can reach the nearest teacher.

The Larkhill-based church group has also made it possible for three youngsters to go to university and train to be teachers.

The board of volunteers have now finished their greatest achievement yet – the construction of a £16,000 primary school in Siem Reap.

And the new primary will be known as ‘New Bonney School’ after the 19th century Blackburn school, nicknamed for headmaster Mr Bonney, now used as St Albans Social Club.

Since setting up the parish charity, ‘I Believe, Action Cambodia Today’, volunteers have raised £24,000.

St Albans committee member Alan Duffy said: “When it began, though we had heard of many worthy charities for African children, places like Cambodia seemed to be some-what neglected and we thought we would look at what we could do there.

“Since then we have paid for the refurbishment of 15 mobile libraries.

“We have sent money to pay for essentials like writing materials, chalk and some basic uniforms.

“Our local schools St Albans Primary, Our Lady and St John and St Bede’s High School hold fundraising events and our committee works hard to come up with inspirational new ideas.

“Recently we were also given a donation of £554 from a CofE primary school in Great Harwood.”

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