Friday, 4 June 2010

Cambodian PM urges government members to adhere to discipline

via CAAI News Media

June 03, 2010

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen urged Thursday to his government members who have just graduated from their administrative studies to adhere to discipline.

Delivering speech at the conferment of certificates to 343 executive and mid-level civil servant trainees and officials from the Senate, Hun Sen said "I would like to share some experiences and concepts about the value and special characteristics that government officials and the entire public administration should adhere to discipline."

"Discipline is one among many other major factors for achieving work success. Individuals must have self-discipline first before they can adhere to those disciplines imposed by institutions and society," he said.

"Government officials must act as role models by coming to work on time so that government institutions can operate without wasting any time. This is a key principle to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of providing public services to people," he added.

Hun Sen said discipline in public administration is the key to assist government officials in performing their duties in order to achieve success in managing the country with governance.

Developing human resources is one of the priorities set forth by Cambodian government in its fourth term that began from 2008 through 2013.

In many occasions and forums, Hun Sen has been encouraging his country's people, officers and the young generation to access to more education and to use their knowledge, skills and masterpieces to help the country.

Source: Xinhua

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