Friday, 18 June 2010

Man About Town: 18 Jun 2010

via Khmer NZ News Media

Friday, 18 June 2010 15:01 Peter Olszewski

To mark the birthday of Her Majesty the Queen Mother today, the entire Paul Dubrule School – 200 students and teachers plus management – will take to the streets on a Green Day cleanup campaign.

Paul Dubrule School director Gerald Hougardy told 7Days, “We believe that good habits to keep our environment clean and our nature green must start at the school, where we are committed to leading by example. Therefore don’t be surprised if you see lots of helpful hands along National Road 6 as it will be time for us to give a little support to the planet we live on.”

Meanwhile, last Friday the Paul Dubrule School played host to Mrs Anne-Marie Idrac, French Secretary of State for Foreign Trade.

She visited the school and also Artisans d’Angkor craft shop because, according to the French Embassy, they “are two main examples of the French private sector involvement in the development of the tourism and craft trade in Cambodia”.

Last year’s Angkor Amateur Open golf tournament winner Tim Orgill will defend the title this year.

Angkor Golf Resort manager Adam Robertson said, “Orgill, playing out of Hong Kong, confirmed his entry last week and is set to bring another 10 golfers from Hong Kong to compete in what is fast becoming a top amateur event in Southeast Asia.”

The Angkor Amateur Open will be held at the Angkor Golf Resort from August 6 to 8.

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