Thursday, 1 July 2010

5 die of diarrhea in Cambodia

via Khmer NZ News Media

PHNOM PENH, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Five people have died of diarrhea and 14 others are being hospitalized recently in Cambodia 's northeastern province of Rattanakiri, a health official said Wednesday.

Hoy Sovannara, health official in Rattanakiri province, said five people including two children have died of diarrhea and 14 others are being hospitalized in the province.

He said poor sanitation was the cause of their deaths and those being medically treated.

Hoy Sovannara said that since April this year, several districts in the province reported patients with diarrhea symptoms and it had caused 28 lives.

The latest incident happened on June 27 in O'kating village in Lumphat district, located more than 600 kilometers from Phnom Penh, and preliminary assessment found that they had drunken unclean water, he said.

Last month, Cambodia claimed at least 9 people have died and about 300 others have been medically treated and hospitalized by diarrhea in another province of Kratie, where located about 320 kilometers northeast of Phnom Penh.

Recently, Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen has alerted his people to take more precaution on several causes including diarrhea and lightning that are harmful to human lives in recent months.

He also appealed to doctors and health officers around the country to provide more care to the people.

Editor: Lin Zhi

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