Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Health professionals lend a hand

via Khmer NZ

25th August 2010

Mackay nurse Greg Coulson early next year is going to Cambodia, where he will head up a team of professional health workers doing workshops and working with local health worker. Contributed

A MACKAY Base Hospital nurse who plans to escort a group of health professionals to Cambodia is calling on North Queensland practitioners to follow his lead.

Mackay’s neonatal nurse practitioner Greg Coulson is urging them to volunteer for a good cause.

Mr Coulson was approached by CQUniversity to escort a group of like-minded health professionals to Cambodia to participate in a two-week community health placement.

While in Cambodia, the health professionals will be conducting workshops for healthcare workers in villages in and around Siem Reap.

“Over there we will work in local health clinics and show them different techniques and treatments that the locals can use,” Mr Coulson said. “They are keen for some professional support and tuition to help them deal with the variety of cases that come through the clinics.”

Organisers are looking ideally for nurses and midwives, but will consider physiotherapists, medical officers and other interested health professionals.

The Cambodia Community Health Placement through Antipodeans Abroad and CQUniversity Australia runs from

February 4 to 21, 2011. Mr Coulson said working in Cambodia would remind him how lucky health professionals were to work in Queensland.

“It will definitely make me appreciate what we have here in Queensland Health. I appreciate that now without having to go over there,” he said.

The work in Cambodia is voluntary and health practitioners who take up the challenge can stay in local homes near the clinics.

CQUniversity lecturer Anne Eaton said successful trips had previously been run for students to resource challenged countries and now the invitation was out to health professionals to gain the same experience.

“The university saw this as a unique opportunity to provide a life-changing experience for staff in the Mackay Health Service District and strengthen bonds between the health service and tertiary education,” she said.

For information about the program, contact Leona Hancock on 4940 7532 or email

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