Friday, 27 August 2010

Insurance proves premium move

via Khmer NZ

Thursday, 26 August 2010 15:00 Post Staff

WE all like to think we are healthy and will stay that way.

Most people like to be optimists and don’t spend too much time worrying about getting ill, injured or having an accident, but perhaps they should.

Such an incident can keep them off work, cause pain and suffering, spoil holidays and cause major financial hardship with bills for hospitals, operations and treatment, physiotherapy and no income for the necessities.

The answer is medical insurance.

There are many different types of policies and insurers with premiums varying depending on coverage. Look around and check them out but get covered as it could save both your health, your security and your financial future.

Take Anthony who knows that in a country like Cambodia you have to be extra cautious about your health.

This is his story and it’s a wake-up call.

“I’m overly precautious about my health. I had a system which in part included that I travel by car where possible and never ever get on a bike without a helmet. Also to avoid the jungle and the many strains of malaria it offers. But I could never have predicted the following events.

“About two months ago I started feeling ill. After a week of telling myself it would pass, I sought medical attention just as a precaution. My condition was diagnosed as serious and the doctor advised me to seek treatment outside Cambodia. I had somehow contracted tuberculosis.

“Fortunately, I have full expatriate medical insurance including evacuation cover.

“At first I was worried about what to do, but when I contacted my insurer (in this case Infinity Insurance and their partner, Aetna Global Benefits), they arranged transport out of the country to a hospital better equipped to deal with my condition. They took care of the whole affair, which helped no end, as I was extremely stressed by the ordeal. I’m far too young to die!

“My medical bill came to over $30,000, which was fully covered by my insurance. And as it turned out, the evacuation was only a minor part of the final cost. I’m now fighting fit and back enjoying all that The Penh has to offer.

“Living in Cambodia is a great experience however we do face some unusual risks ...

“Although medical services are improving in Cambodia, for serious cases you will need to leave the country and seek attention in places like Thailand (where I ended up) and Singapore. And without insurance, you’re playing a game of Russian roulette with your health.”

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