Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Misbehaving mystic charged with sex assault

via Khmer NZ

Tuesday, 31 August 2010 15:01 Mom Kunthear

A “HOLY man” in Kampong Cham province has been arrested for allegedly duping a woman into meditating at his home without clothes on and then sexually assaulting her.

An Kim Sry, deputy police chief of Kampong Cham’s Chamkar Leu district, said the 24-year-old victim visited Ouk Sovanny, 26, last Thursday in the hope of finding a cure for her seriously ill husband.

When the couple arrived, the holy man said the woman had an “evil mole” on her body that was causing her husband’s illness, An Kim Sry said. The guru allegedly advised her to step into a separate room, strip naked and meditate silently.

“He told her that if she did not do this, her husband would not get better,” An Kim Sry said.

As the woman was meditating, the holy man allegedly came into the room and began kissing and touching her; she did not cry out, however, because she was worried she would lose the chance to cure her husband’s illness, An Kim Sry said.

Kampong Cham deputy prosecutor Moung Sarin said the misbehaving mystic was charged on Friday with sexual assault and was being held in pretrial detention at Kampong Cham provincial prison.

“The holy man claims he has done nothing like what the woman has accused him of,” Moung Sarin said yesterday.

Police made the arrest on Friday after the victim filed a complaint, and local officials were unable to broker an out-of-court settlement.

“The woman asked for 6 million riels (US$1,415) in compensation from the holy man, but the man offered only 3 million riels,” An Kim Sry said.

“The woman could not accept this, so we sent the man to court.”

An Kim Sry said he was unsure how many women may have been victimised in this fashion by the holy man, as last week’s complaint was the first of its kind that police had received.

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