Tuesday, 3 August 2010

A New Petition to Protect Children

via Khmer NZ

August 2, 2010

Doing your part to end the sex trafficking of children can be as easy as strolling into the nearest Body Shop.

Bennett Raglin

Last Friday, Somaly Mam, one of Nick’s heroes, and actress Susan Sarandon, along with representatives from ECPAT USA (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking) and The Body Shop, held a press conference to announce the second phase of The Body Shop-led campaign, “Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People.”

Whereas the first part of the campaign, which began about a year ago, focused on raising awareness and funds, the second phase concerns actual legislative change: making Safe Harbor laws, which protect those under 18 from being charged, prosecuted or imprisoned for prostitution, a reality in all 50 states (the law only exists so far in New York, Connecticut and Washington State). Starting today, The Body Shop is making available a petition to sign in all of its stores and online in the hopes of amassing enough signatures to influence other states to take action.

Those interested in doing more than signing a petition may choose to indulge in a little retail therapy: a portion of the funds from The Body Shop’s $7 tube of “Soft Hands Kind Heart” hand cream will go to ECPAT, while funds from similarly themed $5 tote bags will go to the Somaly Mam Foundation, which Ms. Sarandon described as a results-oriented organization where you “really get a bang for your buck.”

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