Friday, 27 August 2010

Police Blotter: 26 Aug 2010

via Khmer NZ

Thursday, 26 August 2010 15:00 Taing Menghun

Potential client loses wallet at Wat Phnom
AnAmerican complained he lost his wallet after he went to the capital’s Wat Phnom with the intention of finding a sex worker on Tuesday, according to police. An officer stationed at the local landmark said he saw the man park his motorbike. Nine people came up to the man, including “some girls and some gays”, the officer said. Shortly after, he heard the man shout that he had lost his wallet. The man told police he had worked as a businessman in Cambodia for roughly three years. Police arrested the nine people for questioning; there was no word on the missing wallet.

Police plan to pounce on motorbike thieves
A farmer in Kampong Speu province complained that his precious motorbike was stolen on Monday while he was busy working in his rice field. The farmer said he left the bike about 200 metres from his field. At one point, he looked over and was shocked to discover two thieves riding his bike off into the distance. Police managed to track down the bike in a forest behind a village. Though the thieves dashed off into the forest, police said they would guard the bike in anxious anticipation of pouncing on the thieves when they come out at night.

Poor driver caught after public robbery
Police have caught their suspect; now they just need to find their victim. Officers say a woman was robbed while she was trying to buy some fruit in Chamkarmon district on Monday. But although police soon apprehended the suspect, the victim was nowhere to be found. Witnesses reported seeing the suspect drive by on a motorbike and swipe the victim’s necklace as she was grabbing some fruit. Unfortunately for the suspect, he then crashed his bike and was swiftly arrested. The witness said the fruit-buying woman retrieved her necklace then slipped off into the crowd, and has not been seen since.

Witness thinks booze contributed to crash
A spectacular but dangerous crash has sent one man to hospital and wrecked two perfectly good vehicles. An eyewitness said he saw an obviously drunk man zipping down Kampuchea Krom Boulevard in a car on Tuesday at a dangerously high speed. Suddenly, the car veered out of control, slammed into a street divider then into a passing taxi, causing severe damage to both vehicles.

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