Monday, 9 August 2010

Sa Kaew special economic zone plan

via Khmer NZ

Published: 9/08/2010 at 01:25 PM
Online news: Breakingnews

A proposal will be forwarded to the cabinet in three weeks for a special economic zone to be set up in the eastern province of Sa Kaew to promote Thai-Cambodian border trade, Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Polaboot said on Monday.

Mr Alongkorn said the idea of setting up a Thai-Cambodian business development committee and a special economic zone in Sa Kaew was inspired by the success of the special economic zone in Tak's Mae Sot district opposite Burma's Myawaddy area.

The minister said he would travel to Sa Kaew to further study the idea and expected to forward the proposal for the cabinet to consider in three weeks.

The new special economic zone would link up with transport systems in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, he said.

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