Saturday, 21 August 2010

Thailand-Cambodia Dispute Can Be Settled Under Bilateral Framework: Abhisit

via Khmer NZ

BANGKOK, Aug 20 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on Thursday reasserted that the dispute between Thailand and Cambodia could be addressed and successfully resolved under a bilateral framework, Thai news agency (TNA) reported.

He conceded that there was no conclusion yet whether the Thailand-Cambodia dispute should be raised for discussion at an Asean meeting.

Abhisit said he understood that once Vietnam, as Asean chairman, had received a written complaint from Cambodia, it would seek comments on the matter from other Asean members.

However, he believed, all Asean members would realise the dispute could be resolved under the bilateral framework as with many cases that occurred earlier.

"The dispute is considered an internal affair of an Asean [member], but it is usual that member countries express concern and occasionally wanted the group to play a role in helping address it.

"However at this stage, we remain confident we can address the dispute under the bilateral framework. So, it is unnecessary to make written clarifications to member countries," he said.

The Thai premier also shrugged off the Phnom Penh's claim that Cambodia needed to bring up the dispute for consideration as multilateral level talks because Thailand's Parliament failed to consider ways to address the problem proposed by the Joint Border Committee for its reading.

He said the dispute-solving process had now proceeded under the agreement, but the internal process of each country must be respected.

"In Thailand, the issue must be deliberated under a parliamentary process, which must be respected. The government has no intention to make a delay," he said.

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