Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Advice from an organisation in the know


via CAAI
Wednesday, 15 September 2010 15:00 Chhoun Borith, president of KYSD
Life presents many different challenges, but youth have the ability to overcome anything. Here are some tips to help you on the bumpy path towards adulthood.
  • Be optimistic in the way you approach things. If you expect something to be boring or useless it will most likely be boring or useless. Try to find something that excites, entertains or enlightens you in every experience you have.
  • Make as many friends as possible. Obviously, you will have some friends who are closer than others, but the more people you get to know and like, the more you will understand other perspectives. People say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but befriending someone is even better. Make other people feel good and they will return the favour.
  • Think peace. When you are angry at someone, ask yourself why before you do anything else. If you can identify the source of your anger you will often find it is not really the other person’s fault, or at least you will be able to confront them with a level head. Life can be frustrating, don’t take it out on someone who doesn’t deserve it.
  • Forgive yourself. If you are a perfectionist, you might be familiar with the term “nobody is perfect”, but it can be difficult to apply to yourself. Hard-working, intelligent people fail all the time. Any success story has many failure stories leading up to it. Failing is nothing to be ashamed of, giving up is.
  • Volunteer. There are so many things for students to do with their free time that it can seem hard to find time to volunteer. But the benefits you bring to society will be reciprocated through your invaluable experiences in the field. Don’t volunteer just anywhere; Cambodia has hundreds of organisations working to improve our Kingdom, be sure to find the one that is best for you.

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