Saturday, 25 September 2010

Cambodia trying to silence me, says opposition leader

Cambodia opposition party leader Sam Rainsy. [Reuters]

via CAAI

Zulfikar Abbany
Last Updated: Thu, 23 Sep 2010

The Cambodian opposition leader in exile, Sam Rainsy, says the government has used a subservient court to try to silence him.

He was sentenced to a further 10 years in prison in absentia over a border dispute that involves Vietnam.

Sam Rainsy says he has maps - internationally verified - to prove that Vietnam has been moving border posts further and further into Cambodia.

He says Cambodian farmers are losing valuable land.

Crack down

It is not the first time that he has been sentenced in absentia.

Sam Rainsy, in self-imposed exile in France, told Radio Australia: "The current government is using a politically subservient court to crack down on critics of the government."

He accuses Vietnam of using its influence over Cambodian in the case.

He has been fined for spreading disinformation and received a two-year sentence in January.

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