Sunday, 5 September 2010

“Daughters of Cambodia” Frees Girls from Sex Industry

via Khmer NZ

Sunday, September 5, 2010
by Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News US Correspondent

Phnom Phen, Cambodia (Worthy News)-- Daughters of Cambodia, a Christian outreach and rehabilitation program started by British missionary Ruth Elliott, is working to free girls sold into the sex slave industry, Worthy News has learned.

Ruth Elliott has been working in Cambodia for six years to bring girls sold as sex slaves out of the trade. Since 2004, Elliott has worked near the red light district, confronting the practitioners of prostitution head-on, trying to bring them out of the sex trade into a new career and a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.


According to Elliott, God called her from the time she was 14 for this work. "The Lord began to speak to me," she told CBN. "He wanted me to go into the places that were worst and to facilitate healing the brokehearted and setting the captives free."

In Cambodia, 90% of the prostitutes in the sex trade industry are sold into it by their parents. A number of the girls say their families depend on them for support so they feel obligated to stay.

"They live in the pit of Hell. It's the truth," Ruth said, speaking on the victims' situation. "And they experience horrendous trauma when they come out."


Daughters of Cambodia is a day-center started by Elliott that is located near the brothels. They make their own clothing, fashion accessories, and home furnishings and market them locally and overseas.

"We had to start small businesses, which are fair trade businesses, in order for the girls to exit the sex industry," she said. "For without another job, it is just impossible for them to leave the sex industry."

The Daughters of Cambodia center teaches the girls not only new work skills, they also learn valuable lessons for establishing a healthy family and home. "Things like domestic violence prevention, conflict resolution skills, budgeting skills, this kind of thing," Elliott explained. "[Also] drug prevention." Up to 60 girls at a time participate in the program, earning money for rent, food, and other needs.


In addition to teaching the girls how to survive without using their bodies to make money, Elliott also introduces the girls to Jesus Christ. And not to them only, but also to the brothel owners.

"We do build a relationship with the brothel owners and they are welcome in our church program," she said. "We want brothel owners to come. We want pimps to come. We want everyone in the sex industry to come to our church because we believe in the power of Jesus to change everyone's life."

"This involves going directly into the brothels and inviting sex workers who are in the sex industry in Cambodia to change their lives, if they are interested in doing that," she explained.

The message of unconditional love from Jesus Christ is producing great results, especially among the girls. "They respond very quickly to the gospel because they have never in their lives experienced love -- unconditional love and acceptance," Elliott said. "And many of them become Christians as a result of this."


The work is not easy. And while it can be dangerous, God's power to protect them is evident in a mighty way. "I have to say we have never, ever, not even one day, had any problems, any brothel owners turn up at our door demanding a girl back or threatening us in any way," she proclaimed. "We have never had a single threat against us. And I can't explain that to you except I believe the grace of God is on us."

The goal of Elliott is to have her girls graduate from the program and live successfully on their own. She hopes to have other Daughters of Cambodia-style centers in other countries with similar needs.

Information for this report was provided by CBN News.

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