Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

via CAAI

Work starts on plant to burn husks for power

Thursday, 09 September 2010 14:59 Chun Sophal

GOLDEN Rice Cambodia is in the first stages of building a US$2 million rice husk power plant to supply electricity to rice mills in Kampong Speu province’s Oudong district.

Chan Vuthy, general manager of Golden Rice, said that the company had invested US$2 million to build the plant, which is expected to generate up to 3 megawatts of electricity.

“We hope that the construction of the plant will be completely finished by the end of this year,” Chan Vuthy said at the sidelines of the inauguration of the company’s central office in Phnom Penh yesterday.

According to Golden Rice, the plant would consume 5 tonnes of rice husks per hour.

Chan Vuthy said the first steps for construction were already underway, adding that once complete, the company would supply the generated power to all its rice mills, but not to villages, in the surrounding area.

“Our rice mills currently need about 2.5 megawatts of electricity to operate every day,” he said. The company exported 7,000 tonnes of jasmine rice in the first eight months of the year, figures show.

Kingdom to see new wines from Australia

Thursday, 09 September 2010 14:59 Catherine James

AUSTRALIAN winery Ferngrove Estate has enlisted local wine distributor Wine and More for its entry into the Cambodian market. The winemaker, based in Frank-land River, Western Australia, will officially launch its foray into the Kingdom with a wine-tasting event tomorrow evening hosted by WAM.

Beeline's new promo

Thursday, 09 September 2010 14:59 Catherine James

BEELINE Cambodia’s new promotion dubbed “Talk & Ride” launches tomorrow with a daily lucky draw for its customers to win a motorbike.

Burglar alarms selling

Thursday, 09 September 2010 14:59 SUN DAVID

A BURGLAR alarm that calls the owner of a house if it is being robbed has been selling well since it was first imported into Cambodia a week ago. Importer Safe Home said that 14 units had been sold in its first week.

JCI begins training

Thursday, 09 September 2010 14:59 Catherine James

CAMBODIA’S chapter of the global young entrepreneur association Junior Chamber International will host its first training since its August launch. JCI Cambodia president Chy Sila said the local unit, which now boasts 120 members, will start with two “JCI icebreaker” sessions this Saturday that are open to anyone. On September 17 a session on presentation skills will be held.

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