Tuesday, 21 September 2010

PM lashes out at opposition

Photo by: Pha Lina
Following a ribbon-cuting ceremony yesterday with Prime Minister Hun Sen, pedestrians and motorists cross the Prek Phnov bridge in Russey Keo that connects the town with National Road 6 across the the Tonle Sap river

via CAAI

Monday, 20 September 2010 20:52 Cheang Sokha and Brooke Lewis

PRIME Minister Hun Sen has lashed out at the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, criticising it for attempting to attract local and international intervention in cases against exiled leader Sam Rainsy.

The comments, delivered during a ceremony inaugurating a new bridge on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, came three days after Senate President Chea Sim wrote a letter to the SRP Acting President Kong Korm, informing him that he would not petition the government to allow Sam Rainsy to return to Cambodia under renewed parliamentary immunity.

Sam Rainsy, who is in Europe, was sentenced in absentia to two years in jail after an incident in October last year in which he helped villagers uproot wooden demarcation poles near the Vietnamese border.

Kong Korm wrote to Chea Sim on September 11, saying that the Senate had a “duty” to try to broker a compromise that would pave the way for Sam Rainsy’s return.

But the premier said that Sam Rainsy should stop trying to avoid serving time in prison.

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