Thursday, 9 September 2010

Police Blotter: 09 Sep 2010

via CAAI

Thursday, 09 September 2010 15:00 Veng Rachana

Police find man’s best friend, not man, buried
Police in Phnom Penh’s Russey Keo district set out on Tuesday to dig up what they suspected was the body of a murder victim; however, they found a dead dog instead. The presence of incense sticks and candles near the gravesite led police to believe it contained the body of a recent murder victim, but they changed their minds after seeing paws and a canine snout protruding from the soil.

‘Too much’ love for girlfriend prompts rape
Police arrested a 28-year-old man accused of raping his girlfriend in Phnom Penh’s Chamkarmon district on Sunday, and the suspect told police he carried out the act because he loved the victim “too much”. Police said the couple were attending a friend’s birthday party when the suspect became jealous upon seeing his girlfriend chatting away with friends. He then drove her to a rented room, where he beat and raped her, threatening her with a knife so she wouldn’t tell anyone. As soon as he drove her back to her house, however, she shouted to relatives that she had been raped.

Alleged adulterer caught wearing woman’s pants
A 24-year-old woman and a 23-year-old man were arrested on Saturday after the woman’s husband accused them of committing adultery in Phnom Penh’s Choam Chao commune, located in Dangkor district. The husband’s sister told him she suspected his wife was cheating, but he didn’t believe her until he discovered them together, his wife naked and the man wearing her pants. The husband has demanded US$2,000 in compensation. The male love rat said he was an old friend and had merely been seeking shelter because of the rain.

Thieves slit throat of moto driver, steal bike
A motorbike-taxi driver was seriously injured as thieves slit his throat and stabbed him in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Monday. The victim said the two suspects masqueraded as customers before cutting his throat and stabbing him four times. The driver managed to get away from the thieves and run for help, but the thieves stole his motorbike and escaped before police could arrive. Police are still looking for the suspects.

Gang of six arrested for street-fighting
Police arrested six men after breaking up a fight in the capital’s Prampi Makara district on Sunday. The fight pitted two gangs, each with about six members, against each other. Among the items confiscated by police were three pipes, a baton, a chain and a knife.

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