Tuesday, 19 October 2010

14 Cambodians die from drinking tainted wine at ceremony appealing to spirits for protection

Cambodians often drink locally brewed rice wine

via CAAI

PHNOM PENH — At least 12 Cambodians have died after drinking rice wine out of a bottle previously used for weed killer, police said on Monday.

The incident happened during a religious ceremony in the country's eastern province of Kampong Cham on Saturday, provincial police chief Nuon Samin said.

He told AFP the cause of death had not yet been formally confirmed but the bottle used was for weed killer.

"After drinking from it, many people started to feel weak, and 12 of them have died so far," Nuon Samin said, adding that 20 villagers had to be rushed to hospital after the ceremony.

Cambodians often drink locally brewed rice wine, which is relatively inexpensive but can be dangerous if not mixed properly.

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