Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Ten young movie directors chosen for film festival

via CAAI

Wednesday, 27 October 2010 15:00 Ou Mom

TEN high school filmmakers have been chosen as Cambodian youth ambassadors to compete in the Asia International Children’s Film Contest in Japan this December.

Their three-minute movies were chosen from among entries by 60 secondary school students in Phnom Penh and Kandal province, with the screening to determine the finalists held at the Cambodia Japanese Cooperation Centre at the weekend.

Family love proved a popular topic among many students.

One winner, 16-year-old Chum Buchda from Hun Sen Serey Pheap High School in Kandal province, said her entry was the first film she had ever made.

“Since I was taught how to use the camera on the first day, I spent only one day filming my short story, which took about a week to design,” she said of her entry.

Her film, titled My Wonderful Mother, was shot using family and friends as actors, with a camera donated by the Japanese Embassy.

“Most mothers around the world love their children so I wanted to show how children should be grateful and repay their mother’s kindness by studying hard,” she said.

Another winner, Heng Sang, entered a short film called A Good Son, with the message of using parents and money wisely for study.

Pheoung Sakona, secretary of state from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, said the films could help other Asian neighbours understand more about Cambodian society and culture.

“What we have seen are students’ intelligence in finding out ideas and topics about families living in today’s society.”

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