Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Cambodia celebrates 57th anniversary of Independence Day

via CAAI

November 09, 2010

Cambodia on Tuesday kicked off its three-day celebration of the 57th anniversary of Independence Day in capital Phnom Penh with about 20,000 people from all walks of life attended the ceremony.

King Norodom Sihamoni laid a wreath and ignited the torch inside the Independence Monument to symbolize the country's independence from colonial rule. The torch lit by the King will burn for the duration of three days and be distinguished Thursday afternoon.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, National Assembly President Heng Samrin, First Vice President of Senate Prince Sisowath Chivanmonirak and other government senior officials, as well as diplomatic corps, students, police and military also attended the ceremony held at the Independence Monument.

Nov. 9 marks the special date that all Cambodians celebrate with passion and pride. In 1953, Cambodia gained complete independence from France after it was under the French protectorate for 90 years.

Source: Xinhua

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