Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Eagles youngsters avoid Cambodia tragedy

via CAAI

Nic Naitanui outside notorious Toul Sleng jail in Phnom Penh, where Khmer Rouge prisoners were held and tortured

By Luke Holmesby
Tue 23 Nov, 2010

WEST Coast players and officials have avoided injury after a stampede in Cambodia killed at least 347 people on Monday night.

Eagles players and officials are in the country on a team-building exercise and were staying several kilometres away from the incident.

Revellers panicked at a huge water festival in Phnom Penh after rumours swept the area that a bridge was unstable.

Most of the deaths occurred due to internal injuries and suffocation, with a further 410 suffering injuries.

The disaster brought to an end three days of boat races, concerts and fireworks.

The Eagles' first- and second-year players were in Cambodia with coach John Worsfold and other club officials to build houses at a remote village as long-term accommodation for orphaned children.

Members of the Eagles' touring party were not aware of the festival tragedy until they learned the news on Tuesday morning.

The West Coast group will stay in Cambodia to complete their work.

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