Thursday, 11 November 2010

Hygiene in Dangkor: Residents blame dump for flies

Photo by: Heng Chivoan
Residents in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district yesterday launched an official complaint over poor hygiene in the area caused by thousands of flies drawn by the nearby rubbish dump. Sao Kunchhon, director of the capital’s water-management department, said authorities had sprayed pesticide at the dump and that there were minimal flies. This picture belies that statement.

via CAAI

Thursday, 11 November 2010 15:01 Chhay Channyda

Hygiene in Dangkor

Residents in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district yesterday complained to local officials about poor hygiene in the area, which they claim is caused by thousands of flies drawn to the area by the nearby rubbish dump.

Villager Vit Chea, who lives near the dump in Chhoeung Ek commune, said “countless” flies had infested her confectionary-selling business.

“If we eat rice, we use one arm to fan the flies away or they will rest on our food and we cannot eat it,” she said.

But Sao Kunchhon, director of the Phnom Penh water management department, said authorities had sprayed pesticide at the dump, and that there were minimal flies.

“Spraying is effective for three months, so flies cannot stay at the dump,” he said.

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