Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Police Blotter: 16 Nov 2010

via CAAI

Tuesday, 16 November 2010 15:00 Phak Seangly

Drunken man detained for hacking daughter
A 36-year-old man was arrested after attacking his daughter with a cleaver in Banteay Meanchey’s Mongkul Borei district on Friday. Police said the man was often drunk and picked fights with his wife, including one instance when he extinguished a cigarette on her face. On November 7, he returned home again in a drunken haze and ordered the daughter to go buy him more booze. She refused and the suspect hacked at her leg with a cleaver. He was sent to provincial court for questioning. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Drug dealer detained on way to make a sale
Police in Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district on Friday arrested a man who was on his way to sell some drugs. Police intercepted the suspect as he was taking a motorbike taxi and confiscated six packets of yama, or methamphetamine pills. The suspect confessed to buying the drugs for US$30 a package and was set to sell them for $35 each. He was sent to court for further questioning. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Bejewelled defrauder sent to local court
A 35-year-old man was arrested in Siem Reap town on Saturday on suspicion of defrauding a mobile phone vendor. According to police, the suspect dressed himself in fancy looking but fake jewellery and asked the female vendor where her husband was. He then claimed that the husband had promised him 10 mobile phones, which he would pay back later. He pretended to call the husband and told the vendor that the “husband” had approved. The woman later called the husband after handing over the phones, and he told her he had never heard of the man. He was arrested immediately as he attempted to escape on a motorbike, and police said he confessed to the charges. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Minivan swerves, flips: injures seven tourists
Seven Vietnamese people were injured in a traffic accident in Kampong Thom province on Friday. A witness reported that the group had hired a minivan to travel to the Preah Vihear temple, when it sped up to overtake another vehicle. Another car was coming in the opposite direction, causing the minivan to swerve and flip over into a rice field roughly five metres away. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Disabled-eyed man drowned from dizziness
An unidentified man’s body was found floating in the Siem Reap river by a local fisherman on Saturday night. Police said they had checked the body and concluded that the man “had been dizzy” and fallen into the river upstream roughly two days earlier. They said one of the man’s eyes was “disabled”, and have called for relatives to retrieve the corpse. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

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