Thursday, 25 November 2010

Police Blotter: 25 Nov 2010

via CAAI

Thursday, 25 November 2010 15:02 Sen David

Woman arrested after leisurely nude stroll
Police arrested a 30-year-old mentally ill woman who was strolling down the street naked in Kampong Chhnang city on Sunday. Police said she was sent to an NGO, and that she was a “newcomer” to the city who did not have any known relatives. Police brought her clothes on two separate occasions, but she refused to wear them. Passengers who saw her as they drove past felt pity for the woman, and came to the conclusion that she was “crazy”. Police are attempting to locate her relatives so she can be sent to a mental institution. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

Neighbours nabbed eating man’s stolen cow
Four men were arrested on Sunday after they stole a villager’s cow and ate it in Siem Reap town. Police said the owner of the cow filed a complaint, and they went to search for the missing bovine. They stumbled upon the suspects eating “cow meat at a wild place” and began to question them. They admitted to stealing the cow while the villager was sleeping. The victim said they were his neighbours, and “they should not eat it”. He has demanded US$100 in compensation. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

Investigation proceeds in gambling-house row
Battambang city police said the owner of a gambling den “made an argument” with one of their officers on Saturday. The officer in question said he was taking photos of the gambling house and its activities when the owner threw a bottle of water at him. It was at this time the owner allegedly “made the argument”. Police are now investigating who is at fault: the policeman, who the owner said “had no right” to take photos; or the owner, who the official said was running the gambling hub illegally. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Dusty route and no helmet kills moto driver
A 31-year-old man was killed and three people were severely injured during a collision between two motorbikes in Battambang town on Sunday. Police said the victim initiated the contact with the other motorbike and died at the scene. They said “maybe there was a lot of dust on the road”, which impaired the victim’s vision, but also said if the victim wore a helmet he may have survived. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Police at a loss over mysterious corpse
Police in Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district are baffled after the body of a 40-year-old man was discovered dead by a motorbike taxi driver on Monday. The taxi driver said he saw the victim drinking wine at the scene, but 30 minutes later the man was gone. He wandered a short distance to find the man dead. Police have so far concluded that the man died “with no real reason”. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

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