Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Police Blotter: 9 Nov 2010

via CAAI

Tuesday, 09 November 2010 15:01 Sen David

Woman beaten up by jealous ex-husband
A woman was beaten up by her ex-husband after returning from Thailand to visit relatives on Saturday. Police said the couple divorced a year ago, and that the woman had since remarried in Thailand. She returned with her new husband to visit her relatives in Poipet City, and the ex became enraged when he spotted them walking together. He then proceeded to beat her up. Police detained the ex-husband, who said the rage came from

Careful parker loses his motorbike anyway
A 60-year-old man filed a complaint with police after his motorbike went missing in Phnom Penh’s Dangkor district last week. He told police that he left the bike outside his house as he went for an afternoon nap. When he arose, the bike was gone. He said he was “very careful” when locking the bike up. A witness reported that an unknown man was standing in front of the victim’s house, but that he thought it was just a family member and did not warn the victim.

Drunken driver slams into bovines, kills three
A drunken driver crashed into five cows and an electricity pole on Saturday, killing three bovines instantly. Police said the man had been drinking wine in Phnom Penh’s Russey Keo district before taking to the road. However, he shortly lost control, killing three cows and seriously injuring two more. The owner of one of the dead cows demanded US$1,000 in compensation, and offered the dead cow to the driver. However, the driver refused, and instead paid $450 and declined to take the cow’s corpse.

Mentally ill man denies treatment, hangs self
A 27-year-old man hanged himself at his house in Phnom Penh’s Prampi Makara district on Saturday. The victim’s family said the man had suffered from mental illness since he was 8 years old, and that they had wanted him to go to hospital to receive treatment for his condition. However, the man refused and tried to complain to police, who wouldn’t accept the complaint because he was mentally ill. The family said he had attempted suicide many times, and police said that, on this occasion, the man “really hanged himself”.

Bike rider dies after running into back of car
A man died after driving his motorbike into the back of a car on Saturday. Police said the man was driving the moto in Siem Reap town, when he clipped the back bumper of the car and fell off, killing him instantly. The car driver escaped, but the victim’s mother declined to file a complaint because her son was driving “very fast and did not wear his helmet”.

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